Page 23 - CoeurMining
P. 23

Every project begins with the end in mind: exploration to reclamation.
Reclamation of the site included removal of processing and mine-related infrastructure, partial back ll of the open pit, construction of engineered soil covers and surface water management systems, and revegetation. Post-closure monitoring indicates that the site has been successfully returned to a condition similar to its state before the renewed mining activity in the 1990s. Ongoing geotechnical monitoring con rms that the landscape has been successfully stabilized.
All surface water is discharged directly into the Waitekauri River without treatment and is in compliance with discharge consents. No acid generation has occurred and underground mine water continues to be pumped and treated via active pH adjustment to reduce residual iron and manganese levels. The water treatment plant has operated in
compliance through active mining operations, closure, and post-closure periods.
The site is grazed and managed under an agreed stocking regime incorporating farming operations next to the site. Sustainable post-mining land uses include nearly 200 hectares of commercial Radiata pine, with harvest projected between 2022 and 2026.
The landscape at Golden Cross has transformed over the years from a turn-of-the-century mine, to farmland, to a modern mine, and back to farmland. Coeur ensured steps were taken from the beginning of the project to protect and enhance the natural environment and to put in place an extensive monitoring program to leave sensitive aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species undisturbed by mining activities.

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